
About Golden Week holidays

This year's Golden Week is a 10-day holiday. If the weather is nice, please come for a drive to the mountains of Mikawa on April 27.(soil)Business 28 days(day)Business 29 days(moon)Closed 30 days(fire)ClosedMay 1(water)Business operation 2 days(tree)Business operation 3 days()Business 4 days(soil)Business 5 days(day)Business 6 days(moon)LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

Began bud buds

Beautiful cherry blossoms🌸is about to change from a season of full bloom to a season of dazzling fresh greenery. As you drive along the Kuragari Highway, you can see beautiful trees that are turning moe color while soaring cherry blossom petals. It is a fleeting time when the whole mountain looks like a beautiful kimono obi. The photo shows the peach blossoms that have just begun to bloom in the store🌸Are. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.